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The Various Ways to Attach Your Brand Name to Products

The company name plays a vital role in the overall success of a business. A study shows that nearly 60% of customers make purchasing decisions based on the brand name. It is why it’s essential to ensure that your company name is visible on everything, from formal documents to marketing tactics. It will be necessary to put your company name on the products you sell. It is how customers will identify and remember your business.

However, many different ways to attach your company name to your products exist. It will depend on your preferences and marketing goals as to what will work best for your business. Here are some popular ways to attach your brand name to products.

Hang Tags

Sometimes, the products themselves do not require tampering. In this case, you can attach a hang tag to the product. This small card has your company name, logo, and other pertinent information. It’s an excellent way to get your brand name out without compromising the product’s quality or look.

Of course, it is easy to say that customers can detach the tag, making it challenging to keep your brand name in front of them. You can print the label on durable and thick paper to combat this. Additionally, you can place a hole in the top corner and tie it with string or twine to the product. This way, customers will have to cut the line to remove the tag, which is more likely to keep it attached.

This branding strategy works when customers make multiple purchases to serve as replacements or purchase related items. For example, if you sell lightbulbs, you can attach a hang tag to the packaging. The customer will likely need more lightbulbs in the future and will remember your company when they see the label.

Custom Stickers

Another way to attach your brand name to products is using custom stickers. You can find various types of stickers to work for different products and surfaces. For example, if you sell mugs, you could have a circular sticker with your company logo on the bottom of the face.

This method works well because it’s not permanent but still gets your brand name in front of customers every time they use the product. Stickers are less expensive than other branding methods, which can help you save money while promoting your company name.

If you sell products that customers use frequently or keep out in the open, stickers are an excellent way to attach your brand name to products.

Custom Printing

Another method of attaching your brand name to products is custom printing. You can print your company name, logo, or slogan on just about anything. For example, if you sell water bottles, you could have your logo printed on the side in a contrasting color. Custom printing is an excellent way to get creative with your branding.

This method works well for a variety of reasons:

  1. It’s obvious.
  2. It’s permanent (unless you choose temporary printing methods).
  3. It is achievable on a variety of products.

Custom printing is an excellent way to ensure your brand name is always visible. Plus, it can help you save money if you purchase in bulk.


If you sell high-end products, engraving or etching your company name into the product is an excellent way to show customers that your business is professional and trustworthy. This method adds a level of sophistication to your branding. Additionally, it’s permanent, so customers will always see your company name when they use the product.

Engraving is most prevalent when selling wooden items like home furniture or cutting boards. For example, if you sell cutting boards, you could engrave your company name into the corner of the board. This way, it’s visible but not in the way when chopping vegetables. It will be necessary to have an acrylic laser cutter machine to ensure you can perform engraving efficiently.

A laser cutting machine

Etching is most prevalent when selling glass items like vases or drinking glasses. For example, if you sell wine glasses, you could etch your company logo on the bottom of the glass. It is an excellent way to get your brand name in front of customers using the product.

This method is an excellent choice when selling products that customers will keep for a long time and use often.

Of course, this method is more expensive than others on this list. It also requires special equipment and training. As such, it’s not feasible for all businesses. However, if you sell products that warrant this level of branding, it’s an excellent option.

3D Printing

Another method of attaching your brand name to products is 3D printing. This type of printing allows you to add raised or embossed logos or images to products. For example, if you sell pens, you could have your company logo printed on the side in a raised print. Fortunately, 3D printing has a bright trajectory.

This method is similar to custom printing but adds more dimension (literally). It’s also more expensive than traditional printing methods. However, it can help your products stand out from the competition.

If you sell products that customers use frequently or display prominently, 3D printing is an excellent way to attach your brand name to them.

Highlight Your Brand Now

These are just a few ways to attach your brand name to products. As you can see, there are many options to select. Consider the type of product you sell and your budget when choosing the best method for your business.

With so many options available, it’s easy to find a way to attach your brand name to products. The most important thing is to be creative and consistent with your branding.

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