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How You Can Effectively Market During a Pandemic

A global health pandemic is nothing to scoff at. In a span of a few months, it has paralyzed most of the world’s major businesses and government and forced society to readjust to a new way of living. At this point, things are not likely to ‘go back to normal.’ Individuals, communities, companies, and even governments have adjusted and accommodated to the new type of ‘normal.’
This normal is definitely not the one we used to know, but we have to acquaint with it nonetheless. Like everything and everyone is trying their best to make it in this new era, so should you and your business. And that includes your marketing efforts as well. Many marketing drives and ad campaigns are suddenly put on hold because of the quarantine, but that doesn’t mean that you and your brand should fall back on the sidelines. If anything, you should see this as an opportunity to keep your company afloat and propel it forward.
Below are some tips on how you can market your business in the time of a pandemic.

Keep Communicating with Your Clients

Because the world is at a standstill, many companies have suddenly lost their presence. Clients aren’t sure if they’re still open or have changed their format, or even if the company has closed down entirely. Don’t make this mistake- this moment needs you to communicate with your clients even more. Express your company’s plans on business operations during this time, continue your non-physical marketing efforts, and stay active in your communication lines. The last thing you want is your clients walking away because there’s little activity on your website, social media, or even company line. Acknowledge that there is a pandemic happening and state how your company is going to adjust to this.
man working

Adjust Your Services to Fit the New Times

One of the most important things your company can do is adjust to the new demands of the market. While demands and needs are always changing, these trying times call for the best effort. Restaurants that did not offer delivery and takeout now readily market their to-go and delivery services, and shops that used to focus on their brick and mortar shops are now realigning their focus on online shopping. Your business also needs to adjust to these demands: make your products and services accessible to your clients. Hire professionals to help you: the input of a product marketing consultant can go a long way. Being flexible is the key to surviving and perhaps even flourishing.

Reassure Everyone that You’re Following Protocol

An important concern for your clients and the government is whether your business is following the quarantine protocols. It should, and you should let your clients know that- and promote safety protocols as well. This will allow you to maintain good relations with them. You reassure that your business is doing its part in preventing the spread of the virus while also helping spread safety information.

Keep Creating Content

There is no reason to stop your company’s marketing campaign in the virtual space. At these times, people are online the most—it only makes sense to take advantage of that fact. Since the Internet is a platform that is least affected by the happenings in the world, use this. Keep your company’s activity online. Keep creating content and communicating with your clients. You can then remain in touch with your existing clients while potentially gathering new ones. This is an opportunity for your company to focus on marketing efforts that are normally neglected, such as social media marketing, content creation, or even direct-mail. What’s important is not stopping, as it will keep your clients from forgetting about your business.

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