Money Management

woman checking out a new dress

Monetizing Ethics: How Company Values Affect Millennial Consumers

There are two ultimate goals of any business: profit and multiplying it. For the longest time, companies have remained cautious towards the current socio-political issues of the world. Their main objective was centered mainly towards producing and selling goods and services. However, in the 1970s, anti-big business protest groups caused companies to reassess their social responsibility. Government litigation […]

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man working

Business Practices to Help you Increase Efficiency and Avoid Cutting Corners

Running a business can be painstakingly hard work. Spending long hours behind a desk, trying to keep the business up and running can take its toll on anyone. But what if you can follow certain practices for your business, you could take away at least some of the burden off your shoulders? Here are the

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stock market

Rules to Remember When Choosing the Best Stocks for Your Portfolio

Although the popularity of exchange-traded funds today isn’t as immense back then, rugged and aspiring investors still choose ETFs as their route to investment success. If you’ve taken an interest in building your portfolio and are currently deciding between stocks, you’ll likely know that diversification is the best strategy—ensuring more significant returns. Here are the golden

Rules to Remember When Choosing the Best Stocks for Your Portfolio Read More »

call center agents

Growing Your Business Through Customer Relationship Management

Any business person worth their salt would agree that the key to keeping a business running is to make sure that customers are continually satisfied. This is why improving your business’s customer relationship is essential to your growth. There are two questions that we can derive from this. How do businesses guarantee that the customers

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