Getting Back to Business: Attracting Generation Z to Your Retail’s Physical Location

Most businesses are scrambling to keep their old customers while targeting millennials. Since the latter is the biggest in numbers, it only makes sense to cater to Generation Y. But if you want greater retail success in the coming years, then don’t take Generation Z consumers for granted. Research shows that Gen Z has a spending power of $143 billion. If that is not enough reason to add them to your target consumers, then you are clearly missing out on their whopping buying power.

The pandemic caused many retail stores to shut down. Now, the economy is slowly opening and most people are sick and tired of staying indoors even while doing their shopping. This only means the opportunity for your business to get back on track is finally making a comeback.

More Reasons to Add Gen Z to Your Target Audiences

There are other reasons to start pushing your marketing efforts to attract Generation Z. They may be digital natives and are often seen buying things off the internet. But they are one generation who values personal and real experience as much as the online experience.

According to news, Gen Z is also better off financially than millennials. About 60% of Gen Z already have active credits. Half of Gen Y credit cardholders have a credit score of 661 and above while only 39% of millennials reached the same score before turning 20 or 21.

Generation Z is also more likely to visit an actual store but something instead of doing it over the internet. It is good if you have a social media marketing in place. But you need to earn Gen Z’s trust first before you can expect them to trust and visit your physical store.

Attracting Gen Z Through Improved In-Store Marketing

Many focus on bringing in more foot traffic into their store but won’t do anything out of ordinary to make their customers stay. One can only claim they managed to conquer Gen Z is if they were able to make such consumers stay longer and leave the store with purchases at hand. You can attain such goals with the help of the following in-store marketing tactics.

Keep It Organized and Easy on the Eyes

Generation Z values authenticity and transparency. They want businesses to be honest, and real and adopt sustainable practices. If you can showcase such values within your store, then you can cater better to Gen Z.

Aside from putting up your displays in an orderly manner, think of the materials you use to showcase your offers and the materials used to decorate the retail. The more wood elements you can add to the store, the more relaxed their environment will be. Remember that they want brands to more conscious about the environment and that you can benefit from slatwalls, freestanding gondolas, and other shelving solutions made from sustainable materials.

people using their mobile devices

Offer Them With a Free Wi-Fi

As digital natives, Gen Zs love sending their free time online. Your retail store might not have its own café, library, or other hotspots for Wi-Fi. But you can surely wow Generation Z if you can offer free WiFi inside your store.

According to a survey, consumers are more likely to linger in stores that offer free WiFi. They can use this to compare prices, check reviews or products, and even call a loved one if they need the advice of someone they trust. The more time they are likely to spend inside on your store, the bigger the chances of you selling items to Gen z.

Show Off Health and Safety Compliance

The health and safety of your customers will be the focus of your improved in-store marketing experience. You want to make sure your business is compliant with health and safety rules. You can take this one step further by investing more than just signboards and ensuring your employee companies to also show proper social distancing and usage of face masks.

Floor decals, for instance, can guide and remind clients to maintain the proper distance. Add shields in cashier stations also encourage cashless payments.

For high-risk shoppers, consider catering to them exclusively for at least an hour each day. You can earn the respect of Gen Z who has a close tie to the older and more vulnerable group of the population. It is also a good idea to let them know your schedule of cleaning and disinfecting the store to boost customer trust and peace of mind.

Consider Buy Online, Pick-up In-Store (Bopis) Services

If you already have your website and started selling your services online, consider adding BOPIS services to lure more Gen Z into your physical store. This can increase your foot traffic. This can also improve your revenue as people who are only here to pick up their orders are likely to look around for more items they can buy.

You can give your online customers discounts on their next in-store purchase. When picking up their orders, they can already use the discount.

You want to start serving more customers inside your physical store. If you’ve done enough online marketing and many Gen Z now recognize your retail. All that is left is for you to boost your in-store experience to boost your sales, encourage brand loyalty, and start getting back on business.

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