Entrepreneurship Advice

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Things That Are Hurting Your Customer Satisfaction Rate

Most businesses these days are focusing their efforts on acquiring more clients. Client acquisition is a good strategy. But don’t forget that customer retention is essential. But then many companies fail to realize that their job doesn’t stop after getting more clients. It is only a must that you nurture your relationship with your current […]

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eco-friendly company

Injecting Sustainability in Retail: An Eco-Friendly Marketing Approach

As the demand for more eco-friendly products, goods or services grows, more and more businesses are also going green. Businesses that think such practices are just simple marketing ploys or the newest viral trend need to reassess the value and impact of sustainability not just into the environment but into the communities that surround them,

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business owner working

Marketing Strategies for Every Small Business Owner

Every entrepreneur wants his business to stand out against competitors and increase revenue. However, because of limited time, a lack of professional assistance, and inadequate resources, small business owners tend to mess up when promoting their brand. Make the most of your marketing funds by avoiding these mistakes: 1. Forgetting the value of promotional products.

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man checking the server data

How Can You Prepare Your Business for Natural Disasters?

Natural disasters are unpredictable, but they’re not impossible to prepare for. Although they can deal serious damage to your business, proper planning and preparation will mitigate risks and help you get back on your feet quicker. Here are some steps you should take to protect your business in the event of a natural disaster: Backup

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Build Customer Loyalty with These After-Sales Service Tips

A significant part of the business process is the after-sales services, which can either win over or lose a potential customer. That’s why it’s important to improve this aspect of customer service for your business. Customer relations does not stop after the sale, and good businesses know that very well. If you want your business

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mortgage and house cost concept with model house on top of calculator

Ways to Negotiate Over Mortgage Interest Without Spending More

Interest, for the most part, represents the real cost of a home loan in Utah. Although it is negotiable, the “down payment card” is usually the most acceptable and viable bargaining chip. After all, shouldering a higher percentage of a property’s price literally decreases the financial risk a lender has to take and symbolically demonstrates

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