dream job concept

Job Hunting in the New Year — Tips to Land Your Dream Job in 2021

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people worldwide lost their jobs, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics revealing that over 17 million Americans became unemployed this year alone. Fortunately, jobs and companies are now reopening after the lockdowns and easing of the pandemic.

Here’s how to find a great job in the new year and help you get back on track in life.

Know Your Skill Sets

Many individuals begin their job search by looking at job titles most fitting to their career goals. Although it’s proven to be a success for some, it’s best to look at a position’s required skills instead. Doing this helps job-seekers the skills they already possess and the jobs that best match their experience and skill set. For instance, if you’ve worked as a delivery driver before, it’s best to apply as a courier or truck driver instead of diving into a different job position to hone your existing skills and grow from there.

Customize Your Resume to Each Position

Even if you’re searching for jobs within the same industry, you must tailor your resume so that it matches each job opening you’re applying to, whether it’s to be a writer or editor — make each one impactful and unique. Doing this gives you a competitive edge over the other resumes that hiring managers are used to seeing, increasing your chances of landing the job.

Take Advantage of Your Network

More than 60% of job-seekers find jobs through networking, so never overlook the power of networking for a more efficient job search. Remember that job hunting in your network isn’t limited to LinkedIn but should also include alumni, industry associations, and local communities. Be wise about your connections and the networking events you participate in and contribute something meaningful to the discussion. Avoid saying you’re just searching for a job. Try to make a meaningful connection or two at these events, expanding your network — and helping you become one step closer to your dream job.

Narrow Down to the Best Options

man looking for a job

Rather than applying to every job opening you come across, narrow down your search and only apply to positions that are the most fitting to your skills and career goals. To ensure the job is right for you, do background research on the firm to understand its values and what its current employees have to say about them.

Check your network if someone you know has experience working at the company or is currently working there, to share their perspective of working there or grab an opportunity to get your foot in the door. Besides, organizations always pay more attention to employee referrals.

Don’t Accept Jobs on the Spot

Although it can be tempting to say yes to a job position right away, you may miss out on better opportunities. Before agreeing to anything, thank the employer for the chance and confirm when you’ll need to accept the job. Know the market pay of a job based on your location, job title, and work experience to see which ones are the best for you.

Job hunting can be an exciting time as it gives you the chance to explore different opportunities, meet new people, and hone your skills, but it can also be a time of repeated rejections and disappointments. You’ll always be competing with someone else, but with a bit of planning and the tips mentioned — you’ll be one step closer to landing your dream job.

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